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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:16:49

To be a District of Sanya City in the construction of a six-storey office building, the main structure using reinforced concrete frame structure, based on a pile - form the basis for Taiwan, the building area of approximately 4712 m2, building height of 25.2 m, the project has a total Plane Selected by the construction unit, urban planning and management of the department's approval.
The venue for the intensity of the earthquake was 8 degrees, the basic design of earthquake acceleration for 0.3 g, seismic design division for the first group, building venues for the type of class Ⅱ, design features cycle for 0.35 s. Building seismic fortification for the Group C category. Design, including floor, staircases, structure, part of the foundation. The main load-bearing structure for the two-way framework, such as cross-lateral framework. Components section in terms of gravity load estimates and representatives of value, a level of seismic structure under the sway checked and the