
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:32:59
It has been theoretically known that the cat state can be
generated from a coherent state by a nonlinear interaction in
a Kerr medium [11]. However, the Kerr nonlinearity of currently
available media is too small to generate the cat state. It
was pointed out that one needs an optical fiber of about
1500 km for an optical frequency of v<531014 rad/ sec to
generate a coherent superposition state with currently available
Kerr nonlinearity [12,13]. Even though it is possible in
principle to make such a long nonlinear optical fiber, the
effects of decoherence and phase fluctuations during the
propagation will become too large.
Some alternative methods have been studied to generate a
superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states using
conditional measurements [15,16]. One drawback of these
schemes is that a highly efficient photon-counting measurement
is required to obtain a coherent superposition state,<

有人指出,需要有一个约1500公里光纤为一台光学频率的v< 531014拉德/秒的仪器服务,才可能与现有的Kerr非线性介质产生相干叠加。即使它是可能的,但事实上,即使制作出了这么长的非线性光纤,影响相干和相位波动的因素将在传播过程中被放大得过大。一些替代方法被用来进行了研究,以产生宏观的相干叠加的区,从而能被观察和测量。可有一个缺点,这些设想必须有一个高效率的光子计数测量装置,也就是必须首先获得相干叠加状态,这是目前难以攻克的技术难题。谐振腔量子电动力学进行了研究,为提高非线性,即使有实验表明发现“猫态",在一个谐振腔和一个势阱

“猫态"、Kerr 我就不知道了


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