
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 14:50:23
入世近七年以来,国外对华反倾销已逐渐演变为影响我国外贸出口的重要因素,成为我国对外贸易可持续发展中必须和相应对的重大问题。本文在叙述了我国入世前后出口产品不断遭到国外反倾销的基础上,系统地分析了我国应对国外反倾销中尊在的问题与原因,提出了政府、企业、行业协会三个 层面应对国外对华反倾销的总体策略。

Nearly seven years since the accession to the WTO, foreign anti-dumping China has gradually evolved into affect China's foreign trade and exports an important factor, China's foreign trade and sustainable development must be corresponding to the major issues. This paper describes the export products of China's accession to the WTO before and after the anti-dumping by foreign countries on the basis of systematic analysis of China's deal with foreign anti-dumping in respect of the issue and the reasons for the proposed government, enterprises, trade associations deal with three levels of foreign anti-dumping in China The overall strategy.