
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 08:34:19

太极旗,是1882年8月由派往日本的使臣朴泳孝和金玉均在船上第一次绘制的,1883年被高宗皇帝正式采纳为朝鲜王朝的国旗。1949年3月25日,韩国文教部审议委员会在确定它为大韩民国国旗时作了明确解释:太极旗的横竖比例为3:2,白地代表土地,中间为太极两仪,四角有黑色四卦。太极的圆代表人民,圆内上下弯鱼形两仪,上红下蓝,分别代表阳和阴,象征宇宙。四卦中,左上角的乾即三条阳爻代表天、春、东、仁;右下角的坤即六条阴爻代表地、夏、西、义;右上角的坎即四条阴爻夹一条阳爻代表水、秋、南、礼;左下角的离即两条阳爻夹两条阴爻代表火、冬、北、智。整体图案意味 着一切都在一个无限的范围内永恒运动、均衡和协调,象征东方思想、哲理和神
The primal chaos flag, was in August, 1882 by dispatches Japan's envoy Piao Yongxiao and the gold and jade on the ship the first plan, in 1883 by Emperor Gao Zong adopt formally for North Korean dynasty national flag. on March 25, 1949, the South Korean Culture and ed Consideration Committee in determined it for the Rep. of Korea national flag when has made the explicit explanation: Primal chaos flag's proportion in any case is 3:2, white represents the land, middle for primal chaos two meters, four jiao have the black four ancient divination symbols. The primal chaos circle represents the people, in the circle up and down the curved matsyasana two meters, on red un