求救 翻译摘要

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:56:46
实验结果表明:漆酶粗液经过硫酸盐析,酶活力提高50%;DDT污染土壤的漆酶处理中,都是在DDT总量中所占比例较大的组分O,P’-DDT, P,P’-DDD 和P,P’-DDT的浓度降低得较快,降解率较高;所占比例较小的P,P’-DDE的浓度降低很慢,降解率较低;DDT中各组分及DDT总量在酶处理中的降解率随污染土壤中DDT初始浓度的降低而降低。DDT在氧气气氛下降解率为69.63%,在氮气气氛下的降解率为41.22%,在空气气氛下的降解率为62.60%,说明漆酶在氧气充足的条件下,活性更高,对土壤的酶修复效果显著。DDT初始浓度为4.87mg/kg的土壤经过25天的酶处理后,浓度降低到1.5mg/kg,DDT总量的降解率为66.84%。
关键词 DDT 土壤污染 多孔菌 漆酶 固定化酶 修复

DDT in the soil and in the long-term residual biological chain of transmission, destruction of agricultural ecological balance and endanger human health, the impact of some of the foreign trade of agricultural products, the DDT-contaminated soil on the method of governance is of great significance. In this paper, a different atmosphere (air, oxygen, nitrogen) of the porous secretion of laccase repair soil DDT pollution. Using UV-visible spectrophotometer, gas chromatography (GC), respectively on the laccase activity and the concentration of DDT in the soil to detect changes.
The results showed that: laccase after Kraft out of rough, activity increased 50%; DDT-contaminated soil in the handling of paint, are in total DDT in the larger proportion of the components O, P'-DDT, P, P'-DDD and P, P'-DDT to reduce the concentration of a faster, higher rates of degradation; smaller proportion of the P, P'-DDE reduce the concentration of very slow, low rate of degradatio