
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 11:34:34


FBBR沼气处理工艺的主要特点 ①综合利用各种可回收能源及新能源技术对系统进行加热恒温;②主发生器内不会产生浮渣堵塞现象,是处理粪便和垃圾的很好方法;③采取生物好氧和植物吸附对沼液进行后处理,既可减少运行费用,又可获得沼气的部分发酵原料(水葫芦);④设置有渣液初分离装置,可使脱水机提高效率,减少运行费用;⑤用压差搅拌,节约大量的因搅拌所耗的电能。

FBBR沼气处理工艺的结构性能 该工艺采用多级分温发酵、压差式自动出液、太阳能、余热回用及热泵加热增温。反应器的出料处设有渣液分离池,反应器内设有菌床和循环系统等装置。主体设备(集气罩、气柜、加压、热泵、脱硫等)的构件采取工厂化制造后到现场组装固定。利用热泵、太阳能和出液余热给FBBR加温,FBBR反应器内分为接种区、仿生消化区和分离循环区,从而实现多级分温发酵,有效利用热能,发挥最佳效率。沼气输配装有净化、恒压、安全等装置。


FBBR methane gas fermentation process of combining the characteristics of methane gas and to consider the anti-corrosion and tightness of the requirements of the structure and Yong Liaoshang have a lot of improvement. FBBR gas to the process of solar warming bionic device and internal structure, the feces, garbage and sewage and other organic debris from first to gravel after the adjustment pool. Floating in the acidification of treatment, by cutting pump to pump into the reactor, a multi-level sub-temperature fermentation. Regulation pool at the ground floor of the main fermentation tank placed in the ground (or semi-ground semi-underground). To ensure that the methane gas production efficiency and promote digestion reaction speed, shortening the fermentation period, with the exception of multiple use of bionic structure, but also make full use of their own methane generating waste heat from warming, waste heat recovery, heat pumps and solar heating to raw materials, Reactor reache