wide elephants翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 19:12:29
这词是一篇文章上的,可能是作者笔误,不知道他原意是什么,他是想说protect animal的


应该是wild elephants

是 野生大象!!

你听错了,你是问 white elephant (白象)吗 ?那是指昂贵、无用。增加负担的东西, 华而不实

A white elephant is a valuable possession whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) exceeds its supposed usefulness, and it is therefore a liability. The term derives from the sacred white elephants kept by traditional Southeast Asian monarchs in Burma, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. To possess a white elephant was regarded (and is still regarded in Thailand and Burma) as a sign that the monarch was ruling with justice and the kingdom was blessed with peace and prosperity. The tradition derives from tales in the scriptures which associate a white elephant with the birth of Buddha, as his mother was reputed to have dreamed of a white elephant presenting her with a lotus flower, a symbol of wisdom and purity, on the eve of giving birth. Because the animals were considered sacred and laws protected them from labor, receiving a "gift" of