
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 23:41:05
也不如一些女生那样的“狂热”,像追星一样喜欢篮球,喜欢得快,不喜欢得也快,喜欢时整天捧着NBA杂志恶补常识,整天问:去打球吗?而不喜欢时,便再也不 问


Maybe ,I, myself, have some special emotion with basketball.

It can not be the same as the freak feeling of boys, because I can no longer play basketball crazily like boys on the court, rebound under the hook against them. So my feeling with basketball now still exists, it can't be the same as before.

It can also not be the same as that of girls,who love the game like the act of chase stars. Their feeling comes up quickly, and also goes quickly. They like reading NBA magzines with whole days' time. They ask others all the time,"Will you go to play basketball with me?" The moment they don/t like the game any more, they will never pick up the information about basketball an more.

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