
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 09:43:08

A sincere friendship is too expensive to buy with the most valuable treasure .It is easy to live when we have many friends

千里难寻是朋友 It is a friend that it is difficult to look for

朋友多了路好走 It is easy to live when we have many friends

以诚相见心诚则灵 It does work that we make friends sincerely

让我们从此是朋友 Let’s become friends from now on

千金难买是朋友 A sincere friendship is too expensive to buy with the most valuable treasure

朋友多了春常留 We will be happy forever when we have many friends

以心相许心灵相通 My mind acts upon yours when we treat with each other sincerely

让我们永远是朋友 Let’s be friends forever

结识新朋友 After getting to know new friends

不忘老朋友 We will never forget old friends

多少新朋友变成老朋友Many new friends become old ones

天高地也厚 The sky is high and the earth is thick

山高水长流 Mountains are high and the water flows continuously