关于篮球的出现 用英文写篇短文 要能让初2看的懂的

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 20:13:15
字数不要太多 能让初2的全明白的 按照正常语速读个1,2分钟读的完的 另外配上中文解释 不要乱写 别以为我看不懂... 速度来!!!!!!!!!!!!
看清楚 内容不要太多!!!!!!!!!!!!!!还要翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Origin of Basketball

The challenge that inspired the invention of basketball came from Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick, Jr., the superintendent of physical education at the international YMCA Training School. During the summer session of 1891, Gulick introduced a new course in the psychology of play, and Naismith was one of his students. In class discussions, Gulick brought up an issue that was weighing on his mind: the need for new indoor game "that would be interesting, easy to learn, and easy to play in the winter and by artificial light."

Though the class didn't follow up on Gulick's challenge to invent such a game, Naismith found himself revisiting the issue a few months later when the physical education faculty met to discuss what was becoming a persistent problem. With the end of the fall sports season, the school once again confronted the distaste many students felt for the gymnasium work that was mandatory during the winter months. One