求高手 英语简称解释

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:45:26
For teachers and learners of a foreign languages,learning situations may be classified roughly into two distinct types:SL and FL.SL refers to that of those abroad in which the language to be learned is the local native language, for instance , to learn English in Britain or America,or, to learn Japanese in Japan.
这段话中 SL 代表的是哪两个单词,什么意思。谢谢了
请翻译这段话 以及单词缩写代表什么 谢谢了

For teachers and learners of a foreign languages,
learning situations may be classified roughly into two distinct types:SL and FL.
学习外语的情况大体可分为SL和FL(第二语言和外国语,Second Language和Foreign Language)
SL refers to that of those abroad in which the language to be learned is the local native language,
for instance ,
to learn English in Britain or America,
or, to learn Japanese in Japan.


FL肯定不是First Language的..!跟上下文都不通顺```

Sl: second language第二语言
FL: foreign language外语

SL:Second Language
FL:Foreign Language

你可以看一下我的参考网站,绝对会对你有帮助的!!!! :)

SL:second language
FL:first language

SL :Second Language !