
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:15:49
本论文是对汇编实现打字游戏程序的一个详细说明,从程序设计,分析,调试,运行及结果分析都做了详细说明,程序运用了汇编的很多知识,寻址方式,DOS功能调用,BIOS功能调用等等知识。程序的结果是考验对键盘键位的熟悉程度,游戏中出现一些字符然后从键盘上面输入一些字符通过程序来判断两字符是否相同,如果相同做出一个结果,如果不同做出一个结果,论文对该程序从开始进入游戏到用户输入一些字符,字符判断,判断后的结果,对得到的结果做出一个动作,打字游戏的核心算法是如何实现字符掉落.输入正确的时候,做出什么反应.如果正确从就另外输出一个变量,这样就可以达到移动的效果.如果输入不正确就不会做出任何反应,直到用户输入的与屏幕上的字符一样时,字符消失,或者如果用户输入的都不对,当字符掉到游戏限定的方格时消失,然后出现下一字符。程序通过对显示开始提示信息; 处理键盘响应; 清空游戏区域; 打印游戏标题; 画横线函数; 画竖线函数; 画无填充矩形; 设置光标位置; 显示字符串; 产生随机数子程序的调用来实现。对所有的子程序我都做了相应的批注

The present paper is to assembles realizes a typing game procedure detailed explanation, from the programming, the analysis, the debugging, the movement and the result analysis gave the detailed explanation, the procedure has utilized assembly many knowledge, the addressing system, the DOS function transferred, BIOS function transfer and so on knowledge. The procedure result is tests to the keyboard key position familiar degree, in the game presents some characters then to input some characters from the keyboard to judge two characters through the procedure to be whether same, if makes a result same, if makes a result differently, the paper from starts to this procedure to enter plays the user to input some characters, the character judgment, after the judgment result, to the result which obtains makes a movement, the typing game's core algorithm is how realizes the character to fall. Inputs is correct, makes any response. If from other outputs a variable correctly, like this ma