
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:22:29


摘要:出口退税的降低、贸易壁垒对家具出口企业的限制及原材料的成本上升,对家具行业提出了严峻挑战。随着 Internet的发展和普及,电子商务作为一种全新的商务运作模式,正在深刻而彻底地改变着传统企业的营销理念和管理方式。如何引入先进的管理理念,构建信息化管理平台,提高企业管理水平和核心竞争力,成为家具行业未来生存与发展的核心问题。作为一个家具生产企业,廉江一品木业有限公司可以利用传统结合电子商务的营销方式,建立企业网站,来扩大自己的影响、推广自己的产品,同时通过互联网快速的信息传递来完成信息化建设,从而形成B2B的电子商务模式。本文对一品木业的电子商务模式进行分析,并采用ASP+ACCESS结合的解决方案来构建一个面向中型企业电子商务网站的过程。

One Product Wood (SUPERWOOD) e-commerce mode of analysis and website design

Abstract: the reduction of export tax rebates, trade barriers on the furniture export enterprises constraints and the rising costs of raw materials, the furniture industry put forward a serious challenge. With the development and popularization of Internet, e-commerce business as a brand-new mode of operation, are profound and completely changing the traditional concept of corporate marketing and management methods. How to introduce advanced management ideas and building information management platform and improve enterprise management and core competitiveness, the furniture industry as the future survival and development of the core issues. As a furniture manufacturer, Lianjiang a goods Wood Limited can use the traditional combination of e-commerce marketing, to set up a business site, to expand their influence to promote their products, via the Internet at the same time the rapid transmission o