
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:07:14
摘 要


Information is in charge of more popular foreign and domestic emerging new jobs, are responsible for the construction of key information. How should we view CIO in the enterprise information in the building, how to create enterprises with Chinese characteristics CIO, information related to rate the effectiveness of the construction, entrepreneurs and related persons of concern.
This paper on the origin of the CIO, CIO in the enterprise information in the construction of necessity, in the development of domestic and foreign CIO status and development trend of a detailed analysis on the basis of the focus from business personnel training, CIO system and the establishment of enterprises CIO The publicity into aspects of Chinese enterprises CIO of road construction and hopes to be able to domestic enterprises and provide the CIO of reference and reference.
Key words: enterprise, CIO, information construction


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