
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 22:43:31


EU is China's biggest trading partner. In recent years, with the continuous economic development and growth in export in China, there is a drastic rise in the number of friction between China and EU. Various technology, environment, trade barriers and anti-dumping policy have shackled the bilateral trade between China and EU. With these change in mind, this paper try to give a macro and rational analysis of the current situation of the China-EU economic cooperation. Based on the economic relation change since 2006, this paper try to analyze the trade surplus and exchange rate under the guidance of strategic trading theory, and finally reach the conclusion that friction in trading is in fact a reflection of friction in state interests. In the end, this paper will discuss the emerging genre of friction and change in number, domain and form of friction. Based on the new trend, this paper try to give a clue on how to cope with this situation on the state level, while providing advi