
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 12:15:29
经济发展带动整个社会在飞速发展 ,我国各种法律法规不断推出 ,“以法治国”的重要性深入人心 ,《审计法》赋予审计人员运用各种法律法规行使职责的权利 ,同时 ,审计人员也越来越强烈的感受审计风险的存在。本文就我国的审计体系对审计风险的影响 ,以及审计风险的形成原因及存在状况进行探讨 ,并对如何防范审计风险提出一些粗浅的看法。

关键词: 审计 风险 防范 控制

Audit risk, as the name suggests, is that the audit staff in the audit activities in the environment or because of personal reasons not fully revealed the face of objective problems on the risk of improper audit opinion. In the socialist market economic system and the establishment of national economic development process, the audit is playing an increasingly important role for the country's economic development and enterprise property protect the integrity of the security. However, in this process, due to all sorts of reasons, the audit and audit staff will inevitably face various risks and impact to bring into full play the functions of the audit and audit staff of healthy growth. As a result, seriously and realistically the audit to study the causes of risk, develop preventive measures to enhance audit quality, protection of the audit staff, is a long-term and important work.
Promote economic development in the rapid development of the whole socie