求好心人帮我翻译论文摘要 管理类的 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:34:28
[摘要] 随着全球经济的飞速发展,物流业已经发挥出不可替代的作用。现阶段我国物流活动的社会化、市场化程度很低,知识管理等现代管理方式方式只在少数发达地区的先进企业中得到重视,大多数物流企业对知识经济时代的到来还没有思想与物质准备。知识管理正逐渐形成一门相对独立的学科。物流企业的知识管理主要指帮助员工对拥有的知识进行反思,促进员工运用知识进行交流,并发展相应的管理技术及改善企业的组织结构。物流企业知识管理的出发点是把最大限度地掌握和利用知识作为提高企业竞争力与经济效益的关键,把存在于企业中的人力资源、信息技术、市场竞争力及经营战略协调统一,共同为企业的发展服务。本文对知识管理做了一个比较全面的描述,并为知识管理在物流企业中的应用提出了比较详细的方法和具体步骤。希望能对知识管理具有推广作用。

[abstract] along with global economic's swift development, the logistics already played the unreplaceable role. The present stage our country physical distribution activity's socialization, the marketability degree are very low, modern mode of administration ways and so on knowledge management only obtain in the minority developed area's Advanced enterprise take seriously, the majority physical distribution enterprises did not have the thought and the material preparation to era of knowledge economy's arrival. The knowledge management is forming a relatively independent discipline gradually. The physical distribution enterprise's knowledge management mainly refers to helps the staff to the knowledge which has to carry on the resonsideration, promotes the staff to carry on the exchange using the knowledge, and develops the corresponding managerial technique and the improvement enterprise's organizational structure. The physical distribution enterprise knowledg