请大家帮我把这篇文章翻译成英文 谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:48:12

All the time, a lot of fields such as industry, agriculture, military affairs have needed to control temperature. Temperature survey, reveal and control apparatus become electron tube instrument that everybody need in real time. Meanwhile, the liquid crystal reveals the module as the display device of a new kind of technology, replacing CRT progressively, receive the masses of consumers' favor.
This literary grace has used comparatively advanced temperature transducer DS18B20 in the world as temperature and gathered the system, this system and link the amount of figure turned of the temperature variable amount with one-chip computer in a manner to transmit one-way. There are no other ancillary equipment.
For be able to ocular to demonstrate temperature is changed, this literary grace is used LCD12864 liquid crystal module as the display system of temperature. Module this 128 times some configuration liquid crystal system for 64 o'clock, but with the interface of th