
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 18:43:59
Nutrilite® Slimmetry™ Dietary Supplement
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Add to CartEnhance fat and weight loss with Slimmetry.
In a clinical test, Slimmetry users on a low-calorie diet lost an average of 5.4 more pounds total body weight and 5.6 pounds total body fat than those taking a placebo.
180 tablets
Item #:105348
We all know that diet and exercise are crucial to weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. But what if there was a product that could help you see results, sooner?

The weight (pun intended) is over! Slimmetry dietary supplement is shown to enhance fat and weight loss when used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet, and it comes with a lifestyle support brochure to help you commit to regular exercise and healthy eating. Take advantage of the handy tips and ideas to get the results you want, once and for all.

nutrilite ® slimmetry ™膳食补充剂
添加到cartenhance脂肪及体重减轻与slimmetry 。
在一个临床试验, slimmetry用户的低热量饮食,失去了平均5.4磅的总更多的体重和五点六磅共体脂肪比那些采取了安慰剂。
项目编号: 105348

重量(双关语意)结束了! slimmetry膳食补充剂显示,以提高脂肪及体重减轻一起使用时,与一个低热量饮食,它附带的一种生活方式,支持的小册子,以帮助您承诺定期运动及健康饮食。利用这一方便的技巧和理念,以取得想要的成果,一劳永逸的。