
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 18:39:41
Our usual walk was to or from the subway,____ was how he got to work.
A.where B. which
选B,我知道是非限定句子,但是请问如果把“,”去掉,是不是where也可以? 不是可以从he got to work from the subway判断这个句子 后面部分 不缺东西,就少个主语,那where不也可以替代?我就这么理解的。请大家指教下。。。谢谢

,____ was (谓语)how he got to work.(一大串为表语)
看这一句话的成份分析,可以知道这句话少的主语,where是地点副词,不可以作主语,所以只能选which,另外,也可以分析从句找到答案:后面一句话的意思应该是:这就是他上班的方式。那么他上班的方式是什么呢,即which was the way he usually took when he went to work=which was how he got to work.


our usual walk = we walked to the subway every day 的含义, our walk/we 是主语呢;...which was how he got to work. = ...which was the way he usually took when he went to work; 不可以说: from the subway 该说: by subway

不可以。这个不是定语从句,同时前面的逗号也不可以少。如果要用where, 后面的how从句要改才行。How在此从句中就是担当主语的位置。

where 是疑问副词,不能在句中做主语,况且where表地点,与后面的how he got to work 不相符,因为how he got to work 指的是他去工作的方式,不是地点

