
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 05:16:44
我国的股票市场是在由计划经济向市场经济过渡的特殊历史时期诞生并发展起来的,新股发行定价方式经历了由行政定价逐步向市场化定价演变的过程。从2005年开始,我国新股发行开始全面采用累计投标询价制, 初步建立了首次公开发行股票市场化的定价机制。但是,由于我国证券市场是一个新兴市场,与国际成熟市场相比,在规模、独立性、规范性运作等方面都存在着明显的差距,因而询价制在实施过程中难以避免地存在着一些缺陷,这些缺陷影响证券市场的健康发展。

Our country's Stock market is in is born by the planned economy to the market economy transition special historical period and develops, the new stock release fixed price way has experienced by the administrative fixed price gradually the process which evolves to the marketability fixed price. Starts from 2005, our country new stock release starts to use the accumulation bid inquiry system comprehensively, has established for the first time the public release stock marketability pricing mechanism initially. But, because our country stock market is an emerging market, compares with the international mature market, in aspects and so on scale, independence, regulated operation has the obvious disparity, thus the inquiry system avoids in the implementation process having some flaws with difficulty, these flaw influence stock market healthy development.
  The paper altogether divides into 4 parts. The first part introduces the new stock release fixed price way, the discussion di