
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:10:20
在模拟输入信号的采集过程中,由于经常受外界环境、系统噪声等的干扰影响,造成数据采集的精度降低,不能如实地反映被测对象的真实情况。要提高采集数据的精度,使干扰的影响降到最低,一方面从硬件方面加以改进,如选择品质优良的传感器,给采集系统前向通道设计滤波电路,进行频率滤波。另一方面,通过CPU的控制,选取一定的算法, 通过程序的方法也可以实现频率滤波,完成模拟滤波器类似的功能,这就是软件滤波,也叫数字滤波。
数字滤波就是在数字信号输入之前, 用数字计算的方法来实现对数字信号的处理, 将一组输入的数字序列转化为一组输出的数字序列, 使信号频率范围内的信息被通过, 而其他频率范围的信息被阻止。从而达到增强信号, 压低干扰, 把信号和干扰分开, 提取有用的信息的目的。数字滤波的过程, 实际上就是采用数字系统实现一种运算的过程, 与一般的模拟滤波器相比, 它具有可靠性高、精度高、灵活性高的优点。数字滤波方法有很多, 滤波效果也各异, 有些方法效果很好, 但算法复杂, 很难应用于实时系统。本文介绍几种常用的数字滤波方法,并对它们在实时系统中的应用进行分析和比较。

Analog input signal in the acquisition process, because often the external environment, the system noise and other interference effects, resulting in reduced accuracy of the data collection, can not be measured accurately reflect the real situation of objects. To improve the accuracy of data collected so that the impact of interference to a minimum, on the one hand from hardware to be improved, such as the choice of good quality sensors, to the collection system prior to the channel filter circuit design, frequency filtering. On the other hand, controlled by the CPU, select certain algorithms, through procedural methods can also achieve frequency filtering, analog filters to complete a similar function, and this is filtering software, also called digital filtering.
Digital filtering is in the digital signal input, using figures calculated approach to the realization of digital signal processing, will enter a sequence of numbers into a group of output figures sequence, so that