
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 19:07:46

它在社会可持续发展中处于基础地位和主体地位,发挥着无可替代的作用。中国自然生态环境先天脆弱,加上极为频繁的人类活动,致使森林资源在总量、结构、分布的变化,以及现有森林生态系统的物资生产和环境服务功能,远不能满足社会经济快速发展的客观需要。黑龙江森工林区是我国最大的森工林区,经过近50年的林业是国民经济的基础产业,更是重要的社会公益事业开发和采伐利用,原始森林植被遭到了极大的破坏,整体重建和功能恢复已显得比以往任何时候都重要。 本论文以相关的林业理论为指导,在回顾黑龙江林区建设历史与分析现状基础上,借鉴发达国家和发展中国家林区经济发展实践,同时总结了我国林区经济建设的成功经验,分析了黑龙江省林区可持续发展存在的问题,并对黑龙江林区经济的可持续发展提出了具体对策措施。
关键词: 黑龙江省 林业资源 可持续利用

Its social basis for sustainable development in a dominant position and status, playing an irreplaceable role. China's natural environment inherent vulnerability, coupled with extremely frequent human activities, resulting in the total amount of forest resources, structure, distribution changes, and the existing forest ecosystems of material production and environmental services, much can not meet the rapid socio-economic development An objective need. Heilongjiang Forest Industry Region is China's largest Forest Industry Region, after nearly 50 years of forestry industry is the foundation of the national economy, it is important to the development of social welfare undertakings and use of logging, forest vegetation has been greatly damaged, as a whole Reconstruction and recovery has become ever important. The papers related to the forestry Theory as the guide, in the construction of the Heilongjiang Forest history and analysis of the status quo on the basis of developed and