
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:22:33
本文介绍的是网上购物系统设计与实现的全过程,从系统功能的确立到各功能的编程实现,进行了详细的讲解。该系统主要包括前台直接面向用户的界面和后台数据库的管理两个方面。对于前者要求用户能够很直观的理解界面的使用方式,并且能很方便的实现购物。而对于后者则要求数据库的一致性和完整性强,数据安全性好。经过构思分析后,我主要运用ASP编程,实现前台ASP文件的建立。在后台建立方面我们运用了Microsoft Access数据库,它能够实现数据库的建立与管理,实现ASP文件对数据库的访问。


This paper introduces the whole process to design and implement on-line shopping system, and it gives a detailed explanation from the establish of system functions to the programming of functions. This system includes the front desk directly to user's interface and back-end database management. With regard to the former, it requires users could understand the usage of interface very intuitively and could easily achieve the shopping. As for the latter's request, it requires consistency and strong integrity of database and good security of data. After structive analysis, I mainly use ASP programming to establish ASP document. In the back-end, we use Microsoft Access database to achieve and manage the database , and realize access of ASP document to the database.

This paper describes the on-line shopping system design and implementation of the entire process, from the established system to the functions of programming, carried out a det