in terms of和on terms with有什么区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 18:09:42

in terms of 就,,,而言
如:In terms of shopping online, he has a different idea.就网上购物来说,他对此有不同看法。
on terms with 与...相处
如:Tom is on good terms with his classmates.汤姆和他班同学关系融洽。

in terms of 以...字眼/措辞;从...角度,就...而言
on terms with 与某人关系/相处如何

in terms of = regarding; related to = 按照(依据,用...词句,用...来,通过)
It was a bad year for films, in terms of both quantity and quality. = 今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。
on good terms with = agreeing with;compromising with; getting along with