
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:40:35
I found a monsignor, who was the head of the church. And I set a date, took my father. We entered the room, and the monsignor greets us. The first thing out of my father's mouth was "Eh, you know, father, it is not natural for a man to be without a woman." Just the monsignor was, just one look at me, I know he's accepted his celibacy. Yeah, my father continued telling his story. And he's just to speak like this and the monsignor, he would say to me "well, tell your father" you know, and before I know I was translating English into English, the monsignor said "tell your father that the church does not move very quickly." My father said "I, I am in no hurry."



continued是继续 “我的父亲继续述说他的故事”
接着是“他就这么说着” like在这里不是喜欢 而是像这样、如此
接着是“神父对我说” 不是“他对我说” he前面的逗号只是一个停顿 主语是monsignor
"well, tell your father"后面的you know是口语代替停顿 无需翻译 或者翻成“你知道的”
后面是“在我发觉之前 我已经在把英语翻译成你明白我也明白的英语” 用楼主原来的话说。另外在这里如果要用人称“他” 就不能用代词 因为文中有两个他 在此要说明到底是父亲 还是神父 如果不知道就不写 否则会有模糊不清的感觉
就这样 好像其余还不错。。HOHO。。。

celibacy 怎会和离婚有关呢?这是独身生活(僧侣生活)的意思。

who was the head of (that/a) church
We entered (in) the room
and the monsignor (greeted) us
Just the monsignor was, just one look at me---(the monsignor just looked at me)
I (knew that