求助高手翻译一下 中译英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 14:23:26

MSP430 MCU is the U.S. company Texas Instruments (TI) launched the 16 ultra-low power, high-performance products, it has a handling capacity of strong, fast and rich in resources, cost-effective, to facilitate the development of the advantages.
MSP430 its code storage space from 1 k to 60 k range. When the procedure more than 8 k, the use of assembly language software design will greatly reduce the work.
The MSP430 MCU, to provide the majority of SCM engineers in the standard C language compatible with the basic C compiler software is the expansion of large-capacity space applications program the best way. C programming language used to achieve the embedded system software and application software development, can greatly improve the efficiency of the development of commissioning work at the same time, the documents generated by the information also easy to understand, for transplantation.
In this paper, in-depth on the MSP430 MCU and MSP430 MCU C programming langu