
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:19:23

中广网Beijing on May 27 exclusive news According to the Central People's Radio Voice of 16:08 in China, the State Council Information Office under the State Council authorized earthquake relief headquarters issued by the May 27 earthquake four Chuan Wenchuan the latest progress of earthquake relief .

According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs report, as at 12:00 on the 27th, four Chuan Wenchuan earthquake has caused 67,183 people were confirmed dead, 361,822 wounded, 20,790 missing people. Transfer of emergency rehousing 1500.6341 million, a total number of affected 4561.2765 million people.

According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs report, as at 12:00 on the 27th, the total domestic and international community to accept donations of a total 32.722 billion yuan, 24.734 billion yuan actual到帐contributions, donations allocated to the disaster area of 9.371 billion yuan. Of these, the Ministry of Civil Affairs到帐contributions to 1.769 billion yuan, 1.24 billion