一段关于B细胞生成的文献 帮忙解释一下 谢谢了!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:14:49
One model proposed to explain this difference is that their production occurs through a distinctive developmental process, termed B-1, that enriches pre-B cells with novel germline VDJs and that requires positive selection of newly formed B cells by self-Ag. In contrast, follicular B cells are generated throughout adult life in a developmental process termed B-2, selecting VDJs that pair well with surrogate L chain, and whose maturation appears relatively independent of antigenic selection.

模范打算解释这差异是通过一特别发展的过程发生被自我-Ag把他们的生产称为B-1,其以新鲜germline VDJs丰富pre-B细胞和那个要求肯定的选择新近形成B细胞的个.比较起来follicular B细胞被把B-2称为被在整个在一发展的过程中成年的生活产生选择VDJs,其用替代的L链条好结对和谁的成熟似乎相对说来独立于抗原的选择的