
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 20:09:43

问题问的有点不详细了,我补充下: 要求是由8句话组成的一段,第一句是中心句,其他7句围绕第一句写

Healthy lifestyle brings you a happy and quality lifetime, because when you lead a healthy life, it allow you always in a good & calm mood.And it makes you more creative both in work and in daily life. You will find by living a healthy life,you will become a smarter person.Besides,healthy lifestyle keeps you in good relationship with your family and friends.Moreover,healthy lifestyle will bring a good influence to everyone who knows you.healthy habits will keep you away from smokes and drugs, save you more time,money and energe for the most important issue of your life.Also it will bring much less depression and less anxiety than a harmful lifestyle.
