
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:46:51
[摘要] 人事档案是国家机构和社会组织在人事管理活动中直接产生的,反映个人经历、德才能绩、工作表现的,以个人为单位集中保存起来以备查考的历史记录,是发现人才、使用人才、管理人才的重要依据。随着市场经济多元化的发展、企事业单位改制的进行,以及人力资源流动市场的开发壮大,我国人事档案管理制度逐渐出现人才竞争加剧,“弃档”现象层出不穷;人事档案真实性难以保证,档案可信度降低;归档材料信息不完整,转递归档制度不完善;个人档案公民缺乏知情权等等问题。鉴于此,各级政府、企事业单位应从更新理念和变革机制两方面着手,通过实行人事代理制度、建立人事档案转递和补充更新机制、对人事档案进行现代化管理等措施,对我国的人事档案管理制度实施改革。

[关键词] 档案 人事档案 档案管理 管理制度

Personnel files on the reform of management system
[Abstract] personnel files are national institutions and social organizations in personnel management activities of the direct, personal experience to reflect and Germany to performance, performance, to focus on the individual as a unit together to preserve the historical records for future reference test, is found talent, The use of qualified personnel, management personnel of the important basis. As the market economy diversified development, restructuring of enterprises, human resources and the development of mobile market growth, China's personnel file management system gradually emerging talent competition will intensify, "abandoning file" in an endless stream; personnel files it is difficult to guarantee authenticity, Reduce the credibility of the file; archive material information is incomplete, imperfect transmitting archiving system; profile citizens lack the right to know and so on. In view of this, gov