哪位英语高手能帮我翻译下摘要啊 急啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 08:24:36
现在在搞论文啊,因为英语摘要老翻译错啊,麻烦哪位高手帮下忙啊 谢谢拉!!
摘 要

本作品为波形发生器(Waveform Generator)电路,能够发生平时我们在实验中经常使用到的各种波形。其原理是利用89c51单片机外接数模转换器DAC0832、以及由运放LM324芯片外接电路构成I/V转换电路和反相放大电路,从而产生四种基本波形,利用数码管将波形的类型和频率显示出来的电路系统。D/A换转是采用微处理器兼容的8位数模转换器DAC0832,高速,稳定,具有良好的线性。运放LM324构成I/V转换电路和反相比例放大电路,稳定,精确。数码管是四位共阳数码管,亮度高。本作品的特点就是可以通过按键选择输出我们想要得到的几种基本波形:方波(Quadrate wave)、正弦波(Sine wave)、三角波(Trigon wave)和锯齿波(Saw tooth wave)。还可以通过按键选择输出所需波形的频率,其范围在100Hz到20kHz,波形精确度能够满足一般的使用条件。其中方波由 89C51单片机内部自带的计数器/定时器T0产生,因其原理简单,精确度和频率比较高。正弦波是将一个波形周期分为64个点组成,通过计算得到每一个点的电压所对应的D/A转换数据,将这此数据排成一个表,利用程序查表的方式来产生的,因考虑到单片机的处理时间和波形的准确度,所以最高只能产生1KHz的频率的正弦波波形。三角波和锯齿波的程序是通过自加和自减产生的数据量,波形比较平稳,但频率不够精确。所有由单片机输出的数据都从8位数模转换器DAC0832将数字量转换为模拟电流信号,通过I/V转换电路后得到各种波形的电压信号波形保证了它的精确度、平滑和稳定。


This work for the profile generator (Waveform Generator) the electric circuit, can have each kind of profile which usually we in the experiment frequently use. Its principle is using 89c51 monolithic integrated circuit external connection d/a converter DAC0832, as well as by transports puts the LM324 chip external connection electric circuit to constitute the I/V switching circuit and the see-saw circuit, thus has four kind of basic profiles, using the nixietube the circuitry which demonstrates the profile type and the frequency. D/A trades the extension uses microprocessor compatible 8 d/a converter DAC0832, high speed, stable, has the good linearity. Transports puts LM324 to constitute the I/V switching circuit and the opposition proportion amplifying circuit, stable, precise. The nixietube is four positive nixietubes, brightness is altogether high. This work's characteristic is may several kind of basic profiles which outputs us through the pressed key cho