
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:11:15
摘要: 现代中学生写作教学中,受应试教育的影响,中学生的作文变得没有了生机和活力,常常出现作文千篇一律饿尴尬境地。个性化写作如今已经越来越来受到全社会的关注,成为了中学语文教师的写作教学新的方向。个性化写作使学生能自由地表达自己真实的感情,展示自我。作文的个性化,避免了作文的千篇一律,使得新作文层出不穷。面对个性化写作的优越性,教师所要做的就是除了正确的指导学生个性化的写作外,要尊重并张扬学生的个性,鼓励并努力地激发个性化思维潜能。

关键词:个性化写作 实现 生活

Abstract: In the current teaching of writing of the modern secondary school students, the author notices that students lack vitality and vigor in their compositions and are often in the embarassement of uniformed compositions because of the impact of the exam-oriented education. The individualized writing has become an increasingly concerned issue of the whole society and the new goal for the secondary school teachers of Chinese.

With individualized writing, students can freely express their true feelings and have a real self-display. With the individualization of compositions, students can avoid the uniformed compositions and write numerous new compositions. Faced with the superiority of individualized writing, teachers need to respect and prom