
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:48:03
茶与禅的相通之处在于追求精神境界的提纯与升华。饮茶时注重平心静气品味,参禅 则要静心息虑体味,茶道 与禅 悟均着重在主体感觉,非深味之不可。如 碾茶要轻轻拉慢推,煮茶须三沸判定,点茶要提壶三注在,饮茶要观色,品味,这些茶事过程均有体悟自然本真的意蕴,由此便易体悟佛性,即喝进大自然的精英,使神清意爽,有助领略般若真谛。遇吃茶遇\饭吃饭祖堂集卷十一平常自然,是参禅 第一步。故清代湛愚老人心灯录称赞赵州吃茶去三字真直截真痛快。丛林中也多沿用赵州方法打念

Some friends asked: Eats the plant to calculate that takes a life? I replied that perhaps calculates the keeping in good health to the human, calculates absolutely to the plant takes a life. The question has come, actually takes a life is what concept? Why does Buddha advocate refrains from killing? What relations between abstains and leads a pious life has? The Buddhist doctrine appearance, originally is for advantage happy in society all living things. Unfortunately, had too many people to make into it the superstition. Frequently take is born the law as the capital which shows off, and even the love magical powers, ask the lucky newspaper absurdly, caused the present common people to cause trouble finally a pitiful laughable interlude. Also has person study Buddha, is only reads prays to Buddha the number, on burns incense, hits sits in meditation, in addition the vegetarian diet, thought that this was the letter. Is right? Cannot calculate at least entire right. Studies Buddha,