
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:55:50
我有一个非洲的朋友 他告诉我他的家乡叫 GRANADA 好像是这样的,但是我在网上找不到 ,我想问一下,有没有这个地方啊 ?

包括马达加斯加、科摩罗、留尼汪、塞舌 尔群岛、那利群岛、毛里求斯等。除毛里求斯旅游业较为发达外,其他各岛屿都不太发 达。
坦桑尼亚东濒印度洋,由坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两部分组成。桑给巴尔包 括桑给巴尔和奔巴两个主岛,以及附近小岛

Including Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion, Seychelles Islands, the Islands, Mauritius, and so on. In addition to the more developed tourism industry of Mauritius, the other islands are less developed.
Bin Tanzania, East Indian Ocean, from Tanganyika and Zanzibar, made up of two parts. Zanzibar, including Zanzibar and the two main island towards Pakistan, and nearby islands
Africa is the world's continents in the island for at least a number of continents. In addition to Madagascar (the world's fourth largest island), the other multi-island for the Islands

包括马达加斯加、科摩罗、留尼汪、塞舌 尔群岛、那利群岛、毛里求斯等。除毛里求斯旅游业较为发达外,其他各岛屿都不太发 达。
坦桑尼亚东濒印度洋,由坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两部分组成。桑给巴尔包 括桑给巴尔和奔巴两个主岛,以及附近小岛

