帮翻译一段话 用英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 13:25:00
中国的自然景观是很多的,有山脉 平原 森林 峡谷 盆地 沙漠等等

在一月,中国的温度差异很大.-20~30度间 降雨量0~50mm 而埃及的温度差很小 在10-20度之间.降水量只有0~10mm

China's natural landscapes are many, a mountain valley Basin desert plain forest, etc.
Only Egypt and the desert
People in the northern plains of China's agricultural development areas and to the growth and development of plants and animals
And the Nile River near the area only to land farming and plant species. But only confined to the vicinity of the Nile.

China's weather is more appropriate. Egypt and the climate is very dry and hot.
In July, China's temperature in 20 to 35 degrees. 10-200 rainfall for the temperature in Egypt 30 degrees to 35 degrees between zero precipitation
In January, China's big temperature differences .- 20 to 30 degrees 0 ~ 50 mm rainfall in Egypt and the small difference in temperature between 10-20 degrees. Precipitation only 0 ~ 10 mm
Both China and Egypt. Are in the north than in the southern region of lower temperatures. Difference is that in China a lot of precipitation in July, whi