
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 10:36:21
摘 要:声振动频率在20000Hz以上,人耳不能听见的声音称为超声波。40年代以来,超声技术迅猛发展,已成为面貌全新的专门领域。当振动频率低于20Hz时,产生的一种人听不见的声波即次声,它在空气、水、地面障碍物之间传播时吸收效应很小,作用距离远,穿透能力强,其生物学效应及损害作用目前已引起各国学者的重视。本文对超声和次声的产生、传播机制以及用途做了详细的阐述。另外简单介绍了噪声的产生和控制原理。
关键词:超声波 次声波 超声效应 空化作用 噪声 分贝

Abstract: sound frequencies in more than 20000 Hz, the human ear can not hear the voice known as ultrasound. Since the 1940s, the rapid development of ultrasound technology, has become the face of new areas of expertise. When the vibration frequencies below 20 Hz, the people listen to a sound wave that is not the sound of it in the air, water, communication between the ground when the absorption barrier effect is very small, far distance, the penetration capability and its biological In effect and has caused damage of the current national attention to academics. In this paper, ultrasonic, sound and the emergence of communication mechanisms and the use of a detailed exposition. Besides a brief introduction of the noise generated and control theory.
Key words: ultrasonic sound waves, ultrasonic cavitation effects of noise decibels