
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:54:55
目的:探讨临床药学工作在基层医院的开展情况。方法:以实习医院南京市江宁医院为例,阐述临床药学在基层医院的开展现状和形成原因,对临床药学的发展提出个人建议 结果:基层医院的临床药学工作应因地制宜,充分的利用自身条件开展,要巩固目前已有的成绩,不断完善。 结论:临床药学工作的开展需要药学人员的不断进取,需要医生和患者的理解,需要医院的大力支持,需要社会各方面的帮助,只有这样才能将临床药学工作开展好,才能使我国的卫生事业向前迈进。

Objective: To investigate the clinical pharmacy work at the grass-roots hospitals in the situation. Method: internship Hospital in Nanjing Jiangning Hospital as an example, on clinical pharmacy at the grass-roots hospitals in the status and causes of clinical pharmacy for the development of personal recommendations: the primary hospital clinical pharmacy should be in line with local conditions, the full use of Launched its own conditions, it is necessary to consolidate the achievements already present, and constantly improve. Conclusion: The clinical pharmacy need to carry out the work of the pharmacy staff continue to forge ahead, doctors and patients need to understand that the hospital needs the strong support of all sectors of society need help, the only way to work in clinical pharmacy will be good to make our country The health sector to move forward.