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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:22:14
The various types and characteristics of debt capital are discussed in detail in Chapter 3. In Chapter 11, the cost of debt was found to be less than the cost of other forms of financing. Lender demand relatively lower returns because they take the least risk of any long-term contributors of capital:(1) they have a higher priority of claim against the company to make payment, (2) they have a far stronger legal pressure against the company to make payment than do preferred or common stockholders, and (3) the tax deductibility of interest payments lowers the debt cost to the firm substantially.
Unlike borrowed funds that must be repaid at a specified future date, equity capital is expected to remain in the firm for indefinite period of time. The two basic sources of equity capital are (1) preferred stock and (2) common stock equity, which includes common stock and retained earnings. As was demonstrated in Chapter 11, common stock is typically the most expensive form equity, here is

各类型和特点,债务资本中有详细讨论第3章。在第11章,借贷成本被发现会少于成本其他形式的融资。贷款人的需求相对较低的回报,因为他们采取风险最小的任何长期捐助者的资本: ( 1 )他们有更高的优先索赔对本公司作出的付款, ( 2 )他们有深远的有力的法律压力,对公司作出付款比首选或共同的股东,及( 3 )减免税款的利息降低债务成本,该公司大幅。
不像借来的资金,必须偿还在指定的未来日期,股本,预计将保持在该公司无限期的一段时间。两个基本来源,股本: ( 1 )优先股及( 2 )普通股股票,其中包括普通股和保留盈余。作为结果表明,在第11章,普通股股票,通常是最昂贵的形式,公平,这里的关系是债务与股本之间的资本:由于其相对次要的位置债务,供应商的自有资本承担更大的风险,因此必须予以赔偿具有较高预期投资回报率上比供应商的债务资本


一个可以接受的程度,财务杠杆为一业或业务线可以高度的风险在另一个由于不同的经营特色,产业之间或线的业务。表 12.8presents债务和时代所赚取的利息比率为选定的行业。显着的行业差异,可以看出,在这些数据。举例来说,负债比率为电子计算机制造商是 58.3 % ,而汽车零售商,这是11.9 % 。当然,不同的债务头寸也可能存在一个行业或业务线