
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:34:12
[提要] 在信息通信蓬勃发展的今天,新闻越来越显示出其重要的作用,新闻质量的高低是与新闻所要表达的效果的高低基本上是成正比的,毫无疑问,要想全面的,有效的提高新闻质量以便提高新闻报道的效果,那首先得知道如何来提高新闻报道的效果。本文就分什么是新闻报道效果;影响新闻报道效果的几个因素;提高新闻报道效果的主要方法;增强新闻报道效果的其它方法;四部份来浅谈如何提高新闻报道效果的方法

[abstract] in message communication vigorous development's today, the news demonstrated more and more its vital function, the news quality's height is the effect height which must express with the news basically is proportional, without a doubt, if wants to be comprehensive, effective improves the news quality in order to enhance the reportage the effect, that first knew how to enhance the reportage the effect. This article on minute anything is the reportage effect; Influence reportage effect several factors; Enhances the reportage effect the main method; Enhancement reportage effect other methods; Four parts come to discuss shallowly how to enhance the reportage effect the method

In message communication vigorous development's today, the news demonstrated more and more its vital function, the news quality's height is the effect height which must express with the news basically is proportional, without a doubt, if wants to be comprehensive, effective improves