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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:42:10
而这次我所在的Super Visitors小队的目的地是国家级风景区楠溪江。等大家一切准备就绪之后,我们坐上开往楠溪江的车。我们队一共有15个成员,大家都是第一次这样集体组织去体验生活,尽管这样,我们还是对我们未来几天的生活是非常的期待。

Wenzhou in 2008 from the University of International Cooperation organized by the Institute of career planning experience of the activities carried out smoothly. On the 23rd morning, we in the school door to a grand ceremony held off! Secretary and president of the question after the speech, the president of the group from the hands of a grand took over the flag off, we took a photograph. All the things are resolved, we also declare the activities started. We are excited about the school made the door, embarked on a journey of this life experience.
But this time I host the Super Visitors squad is the destination of Nanxi River National Scenic Area. And so we all ready, we get the car-bound Nanxi River. Our team a total of 15 members, we are the first such collective organizations to experience life, despite this, we have our next few days, life is very expectations.
On arrival, the arrangements for accommodation, we announced the captain of the next four days in our missio