
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:30:22
本文以企业管理信息系统建设中的人事信息管理子系统的设计和实现为目标,利用软件工程中系统开发的原理和方法,详细论述了web人事信息管理系统的设计原理、总体结构和功能实现。系统结合企业人事信息管理制度,基于实际需求分析,以ASP.NET为开发工具,以SQL Server 2005为后台数据库管理系统,实现了以人事管理,考勤管理、工资管理、及系统管理模块为主要功能的系统开发。系统的实施基本上能够满足现代企业对人事管理的需要,为提高企业人事管理效率提供了行之有效的手段,并有效解决了公司人事信息管理系统的网络动态发布等问题。

The enterprise human affairs information management is in a business management important content. Along with the time progress, enterprise personnel's quantity increases unceasingly, the division of labor unceasing refinement, during each profession's relation is unceasingly close, also unceasingly enhances to personnel management's request. How to manage the good enterprise interior staff's information, implements the highly effective macroscopic management to the staff, constitutes the situation and the trend of development to Enterprises and institutions's personnel carries on the statistics, the plan, to analyze and to formulate the practical and feasible personnel policy, is one item arduous and the arduous duty. The early artificial way's human affairs information management system has not suited the modern Enterprise company's development, realizes the enterprise personnel management systematization, the standardization, the automation, the networ