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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:15:44
The phosphoric density lead Gao, will result in water body of rich the nourishment turn, it endanger have already know to all, water body of rich the nourishment turn phenomenon to have become mankind to face of severity of one of the water environment problems.Among them chemistry in addition to Lin or chemistry assistance living creature in addition to the Lin is abroad application more extensive.This experiment use cave and convex stick soil grain as to carry a body, is carry on load by the oxygen chlorination Gao to make into new of compound, carry on a processing research towards containing Lin waste water.Pass as to it's biggest adsorb capacity of analysis, and according to the dissimilarity density, not and meantime, dissimilarity temperature bottom to adsorb capacity of influence.Pass an experiment the best function adsorbent, research of adsorb dynamics and thermodynamics property, thus realization to the depth which contain Lin waste water and life sewage processing, and


