
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 06:17:13
Ms. Stone said that she told Mr. Toledano of Dior that since she didn’t believe she had done anything wrong, why didn’t Dior let her clarify her remarks with a statement? That statement, which Cindi Berger, a publicist for Ms. Stone, sent to The New York Times in an e-mail message, said, in part: “I am deeply saddened that a 10-second poorly edited film clip has besmirched my reputation of over 20 years of charitable services on behalf of international charities. My intention is to be of service to the Chinese people.” She expressed sympathy for the earthquake victims and said she regretted if her comments in Cannes were misunderstood.

Although Ms. Stone said she is less concerned by the appeasing attitude of corporations toward China than what she calls the sensational tactics of journalists, she nonetheless sounded chastened by the episode. Noting more than once that she helped raised $10 million at the amfAR gala, Ms. Stone said that in the future she will chose her words

斯通女士说,她告诉Dior的Toledano先生,既然她不认为自己做了什么错事,为什么Dior不让她来用一席话澄清自己的言论?斯通女士的发言人Cindi Berger把斯通女士想说的这席话以一电子邮件的形式发给了纽约时报,邮件里说道:“我很伤心一段10秒钟的视频短片就毁了我20多年来在国际慈善事业服务中所获得的声誉。我的初衷是想要为中国人提供帮助。”她对地震中的受害者们表示慰问,并说她很遗憾她在戛纳的言论被误解了。
