急需secret garden的英文介绍~~~~不要很专业的很难的~~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:32:49

你说的是小说(及同名电影)还是那个乐队?两个名字都叫The secret garden.


Secret Garden is an Irish-Norwegian duo playing New Instrumental Music(相当于new age), also understood by some as Neo-classical music(新古典主义音乐,起源于一战,作曲家借由18世纪作品激发灵感而来).It features the Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry (女小提琴手的名字)and the Norwegian composer/pianist Rolf Løvland(男作曲及钢琴师的名字). Secret Garden has sold over 3 million albums and won the Eurovision Song Contest (欧洲电视网歌曲大赛,每年每个欧洲国家选一首参加)for Norway's second time in 1995 with the composition Nocturne(夜曲,作品名). It was the first and only time to date that a predominantly instrumental piece has won the Eurovision Song Contest, although a few Norwegian language lyrics, written by screenwriter Petter Skavlan(剧作家名), were included to ensure that the entry adhered to the contest's rules. Norwegian singer Gunnhild Tvinnereim(挪威歌手名) sang the song in the Eurovision Song Contest, but is actually not a member of the group. Ten years earl