
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 07:23:11
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Give you a sequence of N numbers. The goal is to move the numbers around so that at the end the sequence is ordered. The only operation allowed is to swap two adjacent numbers. Let us try an example:
Start with: 1 4 3 2
swap (1 4) 4 1 3 2
swap (3 2) 4 1 2 3
swap (1 2) 4 2 1 3
swap (4 2) 2 4 1 3
swap (1 4) 2 1 4 3
swap (4 3) 2 1 3 4
swap (2 1) 1 2 3 4
So the sequence (1 4 3 2) can be sorted with seven swaps of adjacent numbers. However, it is even possible to sort it with such swaps:
Start with: 1 4 3 2
swap (4 3) 1 3 4 2
swap (4 2) 1 3 2 4
swap (3 2) 1 2 3 4
The question is: What is the minimum number of swaps of adjacent numbers to sort a given sequence?

In the first line you are given a integer N(1 <= N <= 50000), the length of the sequence, the second line followed by the N e

#include <stdio.h>
void bubble(int *b, int n)
for(int i = 0; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d", &b[i]);
int temp, m, d = 0;
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++)
m = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n-j; i++)
if(b[i] > b[i+1])
temp = b[i];
b[i] = b[i+1];
b[i+1] = temp;
if(m == 0)
printf("%d\n", d);
void main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
int *s;
s = new int[n];
bubble(s, n);

好难啊!小斌 是离散编成题吗????