
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:50:17
在设计中考虑人的因素, 已经被广泛的应用于工业设计领域当中,而作为工业设计的核心——产品设计,在人们生活中占有重要的地位。为了使产品能创造出更好的适应人的生活方式,满足人的需求,达到人——产品——环境的完美和谐统一,在现代产品设计中就必须考虑人的因素,体现“以人为本”的设计核心。在对产品形态、色彩、材质等多种表现形式进行运用时必须考虑人机工程学,人的动机,人的审美,人与环境的关系,人的社会文化性等一系列与人紧密相关的因素,只有将这些因素融入产品设计中,才能创造出更好的产品

Consideration in the design of the human factor, has been widely used in the field of industrial design, industrial design and as the core - product design, in people's lives occupy an important position. In order to create better products to meet the people's way of life, meet people's needs, reaching people - products - the perfect environment harmony and integration in modern product design must consider the human factor, embody the "people-oriented "The design of the core. In the product form, color, texture, and other forms of conduct must be considered when the use ergonomics, human motives, the aesthetic, the relationship between people and the environment, the social and cultural, and other people closely related to the Factors, only these factors into product design in order to create better products
