
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:28:32
这个单词的拼写是coincidence.之所以喜欢是因为它的读音很好听,一开始我并不认是它,有一回在网上聊天时,发现了网友的生日居然和我是同一天,我很惊讶的告诉了他,他得知后说:"what a coincidence."我不明白她讲的是什么意思,然后马上翻了字典,最后这个字在我脑海中留下了深刻印象,从那时才意识到自己的词汇量好小,应该好好下功夫去学英语了。从那天起,我现在天天都会去背些单词了。

This is the spelling of the word coincidence. The reason is because it's like reading a good hearing, at the beginning I do not recognize it, once in the on-line chatting and found the User's birthday surprise and I was the same day, I am surprised Told him, and he said that: "what a coincidence." I do not understand what she said is meant, and then immediately turned the dictionary, the last word in my mind left a deep impression, then only awareness To their vocabulary good small, should make efforts to learn the English language. From that day onwards, I will now every day to carry some of the words.
what a coincidence:什么是巧合
