英语学习 - 001

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:37:48
At the age of four, Zhou Jiaying was enrolled in two classes - Spoken American English and English Conversion - and given the English name Bella. Her parents hoped she might go abroad for college. The next year they signed her up for acting class. When she turned eight, she started on the piano, which taught discipline and developed the cerebrum. In the summers she went to the pool for lessons; swimming, her parents said, would make her taller. Bella wanted to be a lawyer, and to be a lawyer you had to be tall.

By the time she was ten, Bella lived a life that was rich with possibility and as regimented as a drill sergeant's. After school she did homework unsupervised until her parents got home. Then came dinner, bath, piano practice. Sometimes she was permitted television, but only the news. On Saturdays she took a private essay class followed by Math Olympics, and on Sundays a piano lesson and a prep class for ther entrance exam to a Shanghai middle school. The Best mom


四岁时Zhou Jiaying就报名参加了两个班:说美式英语和英语会话,并取了个英文名字叫Bella
他十岁了,Bella 住在一个富裕的家中,进了军队训练。放学后,在无人监督下做作业,直到父母回家。然后吃晚饭,洗澡,弹钢琴。有时看电视,但只能看新闻。周六他上私人的奥数课,周日在上海中学上钢琴课。当学校允许早些,最好的瞬间就在周五下午。Bella做个深呼吸,环顾四周......(后面我也不知道)