
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:23:14
at that point ,a buffed-out skinhead banged a gavel on the podiun.

buffed-out 不是常用的英语。 其含意应由上下文来决定。它有可能指 肌肉发达的,赤裸的。。。

at that point = at that time/moment 在当时

skinhead n. a young white person who has hair that is cut very short, especially one who behaves violently towards people of other races 极端的白人至上,常对其它的种族施加暴力。常留著小平头。

bang v. 重击

gavel n. 木槌

podium n. 讲台

At that point ,a buffed-out skinhead banged a gavel on the podium.
在当时, 一个肌肉发达留著小平头的白人种族极端份子,拿著 木槌狠狠地在讲台上一敲。

Hope this helps.


Note: 本人已在海外生活了数十载。为了慎重起见,我与一些美国人和英国人交换过意见,信不信由你。教育乃百年大计!
